Podcast Season Two

Season Two

January 10, 2022 How To Get Things Done When You Don’t Want To Do Anything
Hey friends, we are so happy to be back! We start Season Two chatting with New York Times writer Cameron Walker about her recent article, “How to Get Things Done When You Don’t Want to Do Anything,” and she gave us great advice for ways to get your mojo going in 2022.

Keep Rochin’

January 17, 2022 A Chat With Bad-Ass Activist Andrea Rothschild
In honor of MLK Day, we chat with bad-ass political activist Andrea Rothschild, founder of Hang Out Do Good. She shares with us ways to show up, get involved, make a positive impact – and reminds us, “The Time Is Always Right To Do What Is Right.” Get inspired to get off the political sidelines and into the action!

Keep Rochin’

January 31, 2022 Providing Affirmative Support for LGBTQIA+ High School Kids – A chat with Andrea Daniels who is parenting with Pride!
Andrea Daniels chats with us about her role as Vice Chair for the Conejo Valley School District LGBTQIA+ Advisory Council and how she is advocating for making transformative change, providing affirmative support, and helping LGBTQIA+ high school kids honor their authentic selves.

Keep Rochin’

  • PFLAG has the support and info you need when a loved one comes out
  • GSA Network is making schools safer, changing communities, and building power for the next generation of LGBTQ+ youth
  • Our picks: Boardwalk Empire, Ozark

February 14, 2022 A Tale Of True Love! Our Valentine’s Day Chat With Cheesemonger Janee’ Muha
Join us as we talk about our true love – cheese! Our wonderful new friend, Cheesemonger Janee’ Muha, tells us how she became a cheesemonger, teaches us how to make an expert level cheese board, and walks us through a taste test of Trader Joe’s Unexpected Cheddar. Ahh, love……Happy Valentine’s Day!

Keep Rochin’

February 28, 2022 Who Will You Honor During Women’s History Month?
We are kicking off Women’s History Month with a fascinating chat with Rose Imperato, the coolest historian ever and Sue’s dear friend for over 30 years! Rose shares her work on a memorial to the young immigrants who lost their lives in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire – the catalyst for creating much needed labor laws that keep us all safe at our work sites.

Keep Rochin’

  • Rose and the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition have been working on the Triangle Fire Memorial project for over ten years and are now within reach of completing this nine-story-tall public art monument to honor the workers who died needlessly in the March 25, 1911 Triangle Fire, one of the worst workplace tragedies in American history. The Triangle Fire Memorial will also stand as a testament to the reforms their deaths inspired, reforms that are still with us today.
  • Join in with $5 and be part of Rose’s grassroots fundraiser to build the Triangle Fire Memorial!
  • Time to read (or re-read!) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and appreciate the shirtwaist, a symbol of newfound female independence in the early 1900’s!

March 14, 2022 Calling All Food Lovers! A Chat With Chef/Culinary Scientist Tiffany Sage Swan
Wanna level up your cooking game? We chat with Chef/Culinary Scientist Tiffany Sage Swan and learn about the science that will elevate your cooking skills! If you want to play along at home, have a cup of tea and a bit of sugar and salt ready as you listen – this is an episode you won’t want to miss!

Keep Rochin’

March 28, 2022 “Yay, I got in! Now what?” College Counselor Sylvia Borgo joins us for an eye-opening college admissions chat
Congratulations! Your high school senior got into college and now you can relax, breathe easy, and… oh, wait, there are still a million more decisions to make. Join us as Sylvia Borgo, from DJ Educational Consulting, shares her insights on navigating the college admission process. From college costs to honors colleges, to offering support when there may be dissappointment, Sylvia offers sage advice for this exciting but sometimes overwhelming time.

Keep Rochin’

April 11, 2022 All in the family with Emily Rubin: a chat about supporting families of children with mental health challenges
Join us for a chat with the extraordinary author, researcher, and professor Emily Rubin about the challenges faced by families of children with mental health needs. Learn why we need to make programs like Emily’s accessible to everyone who needs them. Make yourself a cup of tea and hang out with us for this important episode.

Keep Rochin’

Keep Rochin’

May 9, 2022 R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out what it means to our guests, Rachel Brinn and Kaitlyn Vallance, who formed a workplace union and made life better for their co-workers!
Join us as we chat with two badass women who are forces to be reckoned with! Rachel Brinn and Kaitlyn Vallance formed a union at their workplace to create a safe and effective environment and to ensure everyone is treated fairly. You will be amazed and inspired by these two smart, determined, and brave young women.

Keep Rochin’

  • Check out OPEIU for more info about Rachel and Kaitlyn’s union
  • OPEIU provides a great guide on steps for starting a union
  • A must to watch in June: The Janes, a timely new HBO doc about seven inspiring women that turned anger into action

May 22, 2022 “How I Built This” – Off Our Rochers Version! Join us as we chat with mom/daughter entrepreneurs, Ronni and Hannah Rice, who share how they launched their own businesses
Have you ever had an idea for a business but didn’t know where to start? Then this is the episode for you! Join us as we chat with a mom/daughter duo about how each turned a passion into a business. Ronni Rice transformed her love of Mahjong into “Marvelous Mrs. Mahj” where she teaches this fun and challenging game while Hannah Rice transferred her creative outlet of painting her nails into Tipsy Toppers Polish. After listening to this podcast, we bet you will take your first steps to being your own boss!

Keep Rochin’

Thank you to our Podcast Sponsors

Subarz are a unique baked good combining the crunch of biscotti with the sweetness of a cookie. Subarz makes gift-giving easy and carefree, has over 20 varieties and ships nationwide.

Subarz – making the world a little bit sweeter, bite by bite.


Serve it up vintage!

Off Our Rochers Sue takes great joy in the hunt for vintage finds.
Check out some of her collection for sale on Etsy
You can see more of Sue’s finds on her Instagram: vintagepantry_sf

Off Our Rochers Podcast music courtesy of Maisy & Friends
We think you’ll love all the band’s songs as much as we do!